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Queens Platinum Jubilee afternoon tea celebrations at Rainbow House

June 2022

Queens Platinum Jubilee afternoon tea celebrations

Mulalley recently celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with an afternoon tea for the residents of Rainbow House.

The Lead RLO and site team members were on hand to assist in the celebrations, which were attended by residents and Network Homes staff. The celebrations were held in a marquee at the base of Rainbow House and included Jubilee themed refreshments and decorations.

Residents were happy with the works we are carrying out and were delighted to be attending the celebrations.

Mulalley Associate Director Vikki Emmines said: “It was nice to see residents attending the afternoon tea and celebrate with us and Network Homes.”

Mulalley is currently working on a number of Network Homes schemes including Rainbow House where the works include the removal and replacement of cladding, fire door replacements and other associated works.

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