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Modern Slavery Policy Statement


Sherrygreen Limited is a privately owned group of companies working in the United Kingdom, specialising in the construction and property sectors and are proud of the ethical standards embedded in the business over many years. We believe these standards are consistent with the underlying principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We recognise that Modern Slavery does occur within the construction industry supply chains and we are committed to combat modern slavery and human trafficking.

Structure and supply chains

The Sherrygreen Group consists of three family-owned associated companies. These companies, Mulalley and Company Limited, Sherrygreen Homes Limited and Lancaster Plant Limited (referred to throughout this statement as the ‘Group’) offer a range of development, construction and construction related services to its clients throughout the United Kingdom. We have a varied supply chain spanning a wide range of disciplines. We believe the risks mainly lie with the lower skilled trades and workforce. Operating closely with our supply chain, we identify potential areas of risk and work in collaboration with them to mitigate these risks.

Policies on modern slavery

The Group operates a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery that highlights our commitment to ensuring that appropriate and co-ordinated action is taken throughout the business.

Due Diligence process

We undertake various due diligence checks with our supply chain to ensure modern slavery should not occur within their jurisdiction. This is demonstrated through the following:

Risk assessment

The Group have reviewed and assessed the risks and understand that the biggest concern lies in our supply chain and particularly their supply chains. We verify our supply chains undertake their own checks in respect of ethical risks when subcontracting themselves.

To mitigate these risks we have put in place various measures within our due diligence process.

Measuring effectiveness

We have a process to ensure compliance with our policy in respect of modern slavery. This includes measurement of compliance and supply chain performance.

Training for staff

To ensure high levels of understanding of the risks associated with modern slavery and human trafficking, relevant employees within the Group will be required to complete e-learning training.

As well as training employees, the Group commits to raising awareness of modern slavery issues by circulating a series of details to all employees and using a poster campaign, utilising the GLAA construction protocol toolkit. The campaign will explain to employees:

This statement is made pursuant to Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the financial year ending 31st March 2025.

This statement has been approved by the Group’s Board of Directors who will review and update it annually.

Eamon O’Malley, CEO, Sherrygreen Limited.
April 2024

Social Responsibility

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